I haven’t posted anything new on this blog in nine months!! Inspired by Katie (@ktsummer), I’m going to see if I can’t blog a little more regularly from here on out. This is just a quick update to stimulate the curiosity (and RSS feeds) of my readers. Also, that’s another thing. This summer I created Facebook pages for my blogs: Life on the Block, she’s write on time, and Travels with Toaster. In addition to gaining readers, I’m ultimately trying to catch the attention of people in the publishing industry. (As you might imagine, however much I enjoy writing, I really do want to be able to make a living at it, however modest that may be.)
Truth be told, this is where you can help. As posts start rolling in (or now, if you already have faith in me/enjoy what you’ve read so far), please follow me on Twitter and retweet anything that interests you. Please join the FB pages and share freely! It’s like this: the more people that “fan” the page, the more people I wouldn’t otherwise have access to will be able to see my page. The same, of course, holds true for Twitter if you RT something. I’m just asking for a little BH sista love! 😉
(And if you’re interested, the other Twitter accounts are @indiestace – my personal account, linked to she’s write on time and @toastertravels – linked to Travels with Toaster.)
One last thing, and then I can post things that are interesting to those other than me: I’m entering my NK memoir (this post) in a personal essay contest. First prize takes $5K, a meeting with a top literary agent, and a chance to be published in Glamour! (Read: my first pick if I could have it published anywhere!) Wish me luck, and if you feel so inclined, pass it on to help promote!