Author: Stacy

therapist. blockhead. word nerd. music lover. linguaphile. amateur foodie. basketball junkie. travel enthusiast.

can’t stop the whisper!

For those that don’t know, I write music reviews for a couple of publications in the San Francisco Bay Area.  My favorite is a San Francisco music blog called Spinning Platters, and for several years the editors and I have been working to try to set up some kind of interview piece with the New Kids.  While it hasn’t happened… Read more →

i keep remembering when…

Final thoughts from the cruise… In addition to the videos I’ve posted here on the site, all the rest from the cruise (as well as some other random stuff) can be found here. Please enjoy & feel free to share! As soon as I got back, I started putting a playlist together of songs that would always remind me of… Read more →

i’ll be trippin’, can’t wait till the next time

When I got on the Destiny, I was pretty sure it would be my only New Kids cruise. Why? Because what I want to do is be a travel writer. I already do it, but I want to get paid to do it. In the meantime, though, I travel and write to get experience. And I do that with money out of my own pocket. So, one New Kids cruise gives me enough Miami/Bahamas fodder for my travel blog one time, but can I do it multiple years and still rationalize spending the hard-earned money I should be using traveling somewhere new instead? Probably not. Read more →